Myslíte to vážně s mobilním hraním? Změřte si plynulost a výkon her, klíčový je údaj FPS

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11. 04. 2023 23:54

FPS (Frames Per Second) is an important metric to measure the smoothness and performance of games. A higher FPS indicates smoother gameplay and better performance, as it means that the game is rendering more frames per second.Generally, a consistent FPS of 60 or higher is considered good for most games, while higher-end games or competitive games may require higher FPS to ensure smooth gameplay. Additionally, it's important to ensure that the FPS remains consistent throughout gameplay, as fluctuations in FPS can cause stuttering, lag, and other issues that can negatively impact the gaming experience.To measure FPS in a game, you can use software tools such as FRAPS or the built-in FPS counter in some games. These tools will display the FPS in real-time while you are playing the game, allowing you to monitor the performance and smoothness of the game.

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14. 04. 2022 11:04

"PerfDog funguje dokonce i s iPhony, jen je zde trochu odlišný procesor spojení telefonu a Windows/Mac aplikace."procesor = proces

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